If you didn’t get an invitation, it means you are not invited

“Uninvited guests are often most welcome when they leave” – Aesop



The royal wedding invitations were printed at the workshop of Barnard and Westwood in London. WPA Pool / Pool / Getty Images


How to Deal with an Uninvited Guest



People around the world spend a lot of time and money on planning the important events in their lives. Late spring is the time when people are having graduations parties, weddings, and other significant celebrations. Organization of such events can turn into a very stressful experience. And for many people, the most stressful part of hosting an event is crafting their guest list.


No matter how many times you extend your list of guests to include yet another forgotten relative, you will inevitably have to leave someone out.


I recently had to deal with family members who invited themselves to my son’s graduation. Coping with an uninvited guest can be very stressful. In anticipation of her big day, Meghan Markle had to deal with a backlash from family members whom she has chosen not to invite to her wedding with Prince Harry. As if marrying into the Royal family is not stressful enough!


Why do Uninvited Guests Backlash on Us?


Whether it is a family occasion or the office party, everyone likes to receive an invitation. Not getting invited for your wedding will most likely cause an uninvited friend to feel left out, offended, and hurt. Similarly, when you tell your cousin that you, unfortunately, can’t accommodate her boyfriend-of-two weeks at your wedding reception, she may not be as understanding as you expected.


The truth is, however, that your celebration (particularly your wedding ceremony and reception!) is your moment in the spotlight, and you deserve it to be perfect.  Thus you get to decide who is going to be there to witness the happiest day of your life. It’s common sense, right?


Still, many of us cannot escape the feelings of guilt and discomfort for not including a particular person on our guest lists.


How to Deal with the Stress of an Uninvited Guest?

Here are some things you can do when managing an uninvited guest’s feelings.

  1. Politely explain your decision

If a person asks you directly why he or she hasn’t been invited to the event, try to give the honest but polite answer. If the uninvited guest is your friend’s short-term partner or a child, explain that your guest list is pretty tight, the catering already ordered or that you have planned an adult-only event. Send your invitations far enough prior to your celebration, so people can decide whether they will attend or not and make arrangements for their uninvited kids.

  1. Reconsider your invitation

In some situations, you might want to reconsider some of your guests’ invitations. For example, if your single friend has become engaged since you sent out the wedding invitations, you may decide to extend your guest list and welcome his/her partner to your wedding reception.

  1. Assign someone to deal with a potential party crasher

If an uninvited person decides to show up, after all, have a groomsman, a venue manager or someone from security personnel ready to make accommodations (if a crasher is someone you know) or politely ask the uninvited guest to leave (when the crasher is a stranger).

  1. Practice relaxation or meditation

Finally, don’t let the stress of an uninvited guest ruin your special occasion. Meditation, physical exercise or different relaxation techniques can be a great way to reduce the tension and boost your spirits before the event.


Uninvited guests may feel hurt and angry with our decision to exclude them from the guest list.  If the uninvited friend or a relative decides to take it out on you, try to stay composed, calm, and polite but firm. Eventually, they’ll simply have to suck it up and live with it. And you’ll have your guest list just the way you wanted it.



Earth Day Celebration

Earth Day Is Every Day Not One Day Out Of the Year

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”  –  Dr. Seuss, The Lorax



Some people love to litter, and it is not surprising that you would find the same individuals getting annoyed at the government for not doing something about litter seen along roads or waterfronts. Well, a guy by the name Tommy Kleyn from the Netherlands decided to do something about the trash occupying the waterfront, which he could see on his way to work. The heavily polluted waterfront received a new facelift since he decided on getting up an hour earlier to collect the trash. It all started with him being irritated by a particular stretch of a route he loved walking since it was the only part that had all the garbage.


The stretch of riverbank had many pieces of litter, especially plastic trash and this irritated him a lot. I guess just like you and me; Tommy Kleyn decided to wait and see whether the state or someone else would do something about it and when they did not, he took matters into his own hands! Every day, he would pick up the litter, and it took about 30 minutes to fill a bag, which is, of course, is not an easy task but worth it! One bag a day did not make a difference in such a densely polluted area, but he soldiered on and vowed to take it a day at a time and fill one bag every time he passed that spot.


In about six days, he had already made an enormous difference in some sections, and this encouraged him to continue collecting the trash mainly because from afar, the difference between the collected part of the riverbank and the uncollected part was noticeable. The same way you would update your status on Facebook, or what you are up to on social platforms; Tommy Kleyn decided to share his experiences on Facebook, and over 180 people liked this project and commended him on it.


One of his friends by the name Rick decided to help out, and since the location was right next to a bike path, a few people would get off their bikes and comment on that great initiative Tommy had embarked. Twenty-two bags later, the waterfront was finally free of litter, and the difference was absolutely stunning! As a reward, a Eurasian Coot started nesting in the cleaned part, which goes to show that even animals value cleanliness. What made him share his experiences on Facebook was to motivate people to take that initiative of filling one garbage bag with litter each year to feel useful for making a difference!



Misery Loves Company

How Miserable People will Make You Equally Miserable

“Misery loves good company, so if you are surrounded with drama, gossip and fools you may want to consider that you are presently at risk of becoming one of them.” – Bryant McGill



Remember that grumpy cousin that always grunts, huffs, and puffs at the family gatherings? No matter which topic you bring on, he would still come up with some sort of a negative comment. And no matter what you do to cheer him up, he would merely stay miserable.

Some people just cannot be pulled out of their bad mood. Regardless of what you say or do to make them feel better, it seems impossible to change their gloomy mindset.

However, misery loves company, so your cousin will probably try to drag you into his cloudy mood whenever he gets a chance. After a family dinner and a long conversation with him, you probably feel drained, low-spirited, and depressed.

How to Avoid Miserable People

I have a co-worker who is unhappy about everything. She complains about every single thing. And she would go on and on venting about the tiniest stresses in her life; until everyone around her feels completely drained, overwhelmed, and equally miserable.


Our negative family members, friends, and co-workers have a tendency to (consciously or unconsciously) make us equally miserable. The negative energy that unhappy people emit threatens to suck you in as soon as your miserable counterparts notice that they have your attention.


To keep up your mental well-being, you need to learn how to avoid the toxic interactions with miserable people. Here are a few tips.


Learn how to Recognize Miserable People

Toxic people want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. If you never see emotions other than sadness, anger, criticism, clinginess or jealousy, keep that person at arm’s length.


1. Set the boundaries

Put your needs first. Although you may feel empathy for your depressed friend, be mindful if her complaint becomes a ‘one too many.’ Don’t allow her misery to take over you. Respect your own needs for rest, peace and happiness.

2. Listen to your intuition

Trust your gut. It will empower you to recognize other people’s feelings and respond to them appropriately.

3. Surround yourself with positive people

Build an active support group of optimistic, healthy, and happy people and nurture healthy, positive relationships.

4. Be positive

Give out the positivity you want to see in others. Smile and laugh often and be kind and friendly in your social interactions. Your positivity will keep the miserable ones away.


The Effect, the Miserable People, have on Our Mental Health


Different studies have demonstrated that there is a strong link between negative relationships, stress, and health. Negative people can make you physically and emotionally drained. Also, after spending time with your miserable friend or a family member, you tend to feel worse about yourself.


Negative people affect our mood and bring us down. What is more, the neuroscience research has proved that miserable people and their negative attitude can actually have the effect on our brain.


Research has shown that misery is contagious. Even a small amount of negative brain activity can weaken our immune system and make us more prone to illness.


According to Dr. Travis Bradberry, negative viewpoints affect our IQ and cognitive skills. Negativity compromises the effectiveness of the neurons in the area of the brain responsible for reasoning and memory – the hippocampus.


This means that the negative words or actions the miserable people say and take in your presence can affect your brain. Thus who you choose to spend your time and interact with truly matters.


What I Learned When I Conquered My Childhood Fear

“Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.” – Chantal Sutherland



Many of us live with different fears for years, if not during a lifetime. It is normal to feel anxious or afraid when you perceive there is a real threat to your or a loved one’s security, safety, and welfare. However, many fears we drag with us are not adaptive and don’t represent the real threat. Yet, we cannot get rid of them.


According to findings in neuroscience, fear can affect your memory and your perception of reality. It can damage the hippocampus, a small organ in our brain’s temporal lobe, the part of the brain that regulates emotions and is associated with long-term memory. According to researchers from the University of Minnesota, fear can have other longstanding consequences on our health such as chronical depression, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, accelerated aging and even premature death.

Therefore learning how to control your fears can help you stay healthy and literally save your life.

The Childhood Fear


For years I’ve had a fear of swimming. I believe it originated when I almost drowned in a swimming pool as a small child. I never had swimming lessons as a child and never went swimming after the incident. Recently, I decided that it’s a perfect time to learn how to swim and conquer my fear. The first day of my swimming lessons I was able to learn how to feel comfortable in the water. After many other lessons, I learned the basics of floating and breathing while in the water. I was astonished to discover how relaxing and fun it was to swim.  I spent my whole life denying the pleasure of this activity just based on my fear.


But where does fear come from? We all have fears, but we also manage our anxiety differently. However, what I learned is that fear shouldn’t hold us in place and not allow us to move forward. Whether it’s the fear of spiders or fear of dealing with difficult people; how we handle it will impact our lives.


How to Conquer your Fears

There are some simple strategies available to help us cope with our fears and with a bit of luck, conquering them completely. Try building these strategies into your daily routine, and you’ll be amazed!


  1. Understand your Fear

Fear exists to keep you safe. Try to understand your fear and use it to plan your actions, instead of letting the fear control them.


  1. Practice Mindfulness and Breathing

Focus your mind on the present moment and don’t interpret or judge your emotions. Just be aware of them. Breathe deeply and calmly until you feel totally relaxed. Repeat this exercise a few times each day.

  1. Get Control of your Thoughts

Your imagination can be your worst enemy sometimes. Learn how to control negative thoughts. Calm down and breathe deeply. Then imagine the situation you’re dreading, but picture yourself calm and composed in that situation. Repeat this every time you start imagining the worst possible scenarios.


  1. Get Informed

Most of the time, we are afraid of the things we don’t know much about. The fear is based on a lack of information, so make sure you get the knowledge needed to understand the situation that triggers your anxiety instead of speculating about it.


  1. Seek a Therapist

Sometimes confronting your fears on your own may not be sufficient. If your fear disables you from moving forward with your life, seek a professional mental health help. A therapist can provide you with the tools and strategies you need to untangle the causes of your fears and ways to overcome them.



Therapeutic Knitting – The Benefits for People Recovering from Cancer and Stress

“Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn’t hurt the untroubled spirit either.” – Elizabeth Zimmermann


Knitting is an old crafting method of creating fabric from a single strand of yarn, using two needles. That’s how most of us would describe it if asked. However, knitting is rising in popularity nowadays, and not just because of the sheer pleasure of creating something with your two hands. Knitting is gaining popularity among people of all ages for its proven therapeutic benefits.


Knitting helps Relieve Stress from Cancer

Knitting is a fun and productive activity. But not only that. Research shows that knitting is also a way to help cancer patients cope by easing the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. This is the reason many healthcare facilities and cancer centers are encouraging cancer patients and people recovering from cancer to try knitting.


Therapeutic Benefits of Knitting for People Recovering from Cancer

Many people report that knitting as well as other crafts help them quiet the brain, and help them focus and relax. Additionally, producing a usable product gives a sense of accomplishment, pride, and satisfaction. Here are the main therapeutic benefits of knitting for people who are recovering from cancer and stress as its inescapable companion.

Alleviating anxiety, stress, and depression

According to a survey by the British Journal of Occupational Therapy, knitting evidently improves people’s mood. The research shows that the repetitive movements of knitting can increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter that alleviates the feelings of anxiety and depression. In addition, knitting’s repetitive motion can stimulate the body’s relaxation response, by decreasing the heart rate and blood pressure, slowing the breathing and reducing the levels of stress hormones.

Focusing on Present Moment

Knitting serves as mindful meditation, in a certain way. According to research, using our hands meaningfully triggers healthy engagement and activity in about 60 percent of our brain. The rhythmic, repetitive movements in knitting keep our mind focused on the present moment, providing an escape from stressful thoughts, but at the same time allowing for internal reflection.


Both science and experience have proven the benefits of mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness exercise helps relieve symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. And like in meditation, the rhythmic movements in knitting induce a state of mindfulness and affect a change in one’s state of mind. Thus knitting can be a great way to open up the benefits of mindfulness to people coping with after-cancer stress.

Enhancing Confidence

Creating something useful and beautiful provides a sense of usefulness, purpose, and pride. Apart from being an enjoyable activity, knitting helps a person recovering from cancer feel in control, which increases her/his self-esteem. The knowing that the final product can be offered as a gift or donated to a charity provides a feeling of excitement and gives their self-worth a further boost.

Providing Positive Social Interactions

If done as a group activity, knitting can produce positive social interactions and a necessary sense of belonging for people recovering from cancer. Therapeutic group knitting helps people feel less isolated and out of control of their lives. Project Knit Well (https://projectknitwell.org) provides support to cancer patients and their family.


Knitting has a therapeutic effect on both mind and body. The research proved that it could even help manage chronic pain and improve person’s overall well-being. Therapeutic knitting for people recovering from cancer and stress helps with issues of stress, anxiety and depression, loneliness, low self-esteem, and social isolation. It can help boost confidence, mood and person’s motivation. Moreover, therapeutic knitting can help a person recovering from cancer change negative thoughts and attitudes into positive ones. In short, therapeutic knitting can boost a person’s overall well-being.




How To Maintain A Platonic Friendship With Someone You Find Sexually Attractive

Platonic love is love from the neck up.” – Tbyra Samter Winslow



We’ve seen this in the movies – guy meets girl, they become best friends, and then, when one of them gets involved in a relationship with another person the other develops a secret crush on them and eventually falls in love. In the end, the friend who is in the relationship finally realizes that the best friends should be in a relationship after all. Such TV shows and movies always have a large audience base, creating quite a niche. But is being friends with someone you are romantically or sexually attracted to, without these romantic entanglements, possible in real life?


I have a friend in my life who I am sexually attracted to, but I made a choice not to cross the boundary of our friendship. If I had crossed the line, I would’ve never had the benefit of having a beautiful, healthy bond that has endured over the years.


Men and women have been living, working, and playing together since the beginning of time, and it is inevitable that we will interact with one another. At school, we tend to form our own groups and mingle with people who have similar interests to us. At a young age, it is common for boys to be socialized to play with boys and girls to be socialized to play with girls. When puberty hits, we start to look for potential partners, and romantic feelings begin to form for some of for the opposite sex.


When we are looking to form friendships with others, we’re looking for someone who we “click” with. “Clicking” with someone sparks a tendency to want to spend more time with one another. It may be common interests, shared activities, or other qualities or traits that make us want to spend time with someone more than others, encouraging us to develop a friendship. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, these are the same reasons we might find for wanting to start a romantic relationship with someone, with the added caveat that there is a degree of romantic or sexual attraction. So, we have to ask, if there is a romantic or sexual attraction present between friends, are the just friends? Can they stay within the boundaries of friendship without it turning into a romantic relationship?


By definition, a friendly attraction is a bond, devoid of lust and sexual relations. It remains a friendship throughout the relationship but can become a romantic or sexual relationship if a line is crossed. On the two sides of the line are (1) platonic friendship, where simple companionship is allowed; and (2) romantic relationships where, in addition to friendship, romantic or sexual relations are permitted.


Four ways to stay in the platonic friend zone


1. Make every attempt to view your friend as a family member. Do not engage in any inappropriate physical situations.


2. Limit the amount of one on one meetings. When attending events, bring other people.


3. If the friend is currently in a relationship (or married), do not disrespect his or her partner. Reduce or discontinue communication until the other person feels comfortable with you.


4. Do not engage in sexual relations of any kind. The moment the relationship becomes sexual, it’s next to impossible to bring it back to a platonic friendship.



So, whether two people who are sexually attracted to one another can maintain a platonic friendship isn’t a yes or no question. It really depends on the parties involved and whether they decide to cross that line. If both friends choose not to cross the line between platonic friendship and romantic relationship, then yes, they can remain friends. But beyond that, it gets complicated and is something we must all be mindful of.


Why is self-hate so detrimental to society?

“Oh, you gotta love yourself

If you really wanna be with someone else

You gotta feed yourself

Before you feed somebody else

You gotta stay open, and don’t be foolish

‘Cause everybody don’t mean you well

You gotta love yourself

Before you love somebody else” 

Mary J. Blige (Love Yourself)





Five ways to practice self-love on Valentine’s Day and every day


Put mildly; hatred is evil. To imagine that one can hate oneself seems preposterous, right? But here lies a sad fact; many people hate themselves without even knowing it. Self-hatred pops up when people are not satisfied with themselves, whether it’s their looks, background, or status in society. Since hatred can only beget hatred, people are walking the streets with this malaise affect the entire society.


To counter hatred in society requires doses of love, starting with a love for oneself.

Here are five practical ways to show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day:

1. Pamper yourself

Don’t wait for anyone to give you Valentine’s treat this year – take the initiative and pamper yourself. Go in for an exquisite massage session. Relaxing in the steam rooms or Jacuzzi helps calm your body and mind. Cook something special for yourself, try a new recipe. Try to do something you’ve always wanted to do. Take the time to remind yourself how deserving you are of the extraordinary things in life.


2. Write something sweet to yourself

 Now is the time to recall anything good about yourself. Make a list of your most significant achievements, proudest moments; anything you like about yourself. How long (or short) the list seems doesn’t matter. What matters is that you reflect on those good traits and relive the fond moments. For the more creative folks, you may consider writing a love letter to yourself, or even a poem.


3. Enjoy the beauty of nature

 Getting in tune with Mother Earth is a great way to practice self-love this Valentine’s Day, especially if you’re a lover of natural scenes. Whether it’s wildlife, waterfalls, beaches, a mountain hike, or even a stroll in the woods, contact with nature can flood your soul with so many beautiful thoughts—feel the moment. Ensure you take proper safety and security precautions.


4. Get Spiritual

 Be thankful. Forgive yourself. Meditate. Pray.

This Valentine’s Day, you may wish to rid yourself of the toxic thoughts that have caused you pain and self-hatred. Engage in some spiritual exercises; take yoga or knitting classes. If you cannot handle this alone, reach out to a close confidant, your guardian, your spiritual mentor, or a counselor.



5. Express Love to Someone you care about


Love is never complete until it is shared. We feel better about ourselves each time we do something good for others. This Valentine’s Day, carve out time to do something special for someone else; maybe get them a gift or plan a surprise outing for them. There is a considerable sense of self-fulfillment we gain by doing this, which enhances our self-appreciation, and ultimately our self-love.


While practicing self-love, it is also a good idea to limit your exposure to social media. The FOMO (fear of missing out) and vain comparisons associated with social media will do little good for you self-appreciation.



The Effects of a Hostile Work Environment on the Mental Health of a Cancer Patient

“The Supervisor’s Prayer – Lord when I am wrong, make me willing to change; when I am right, make me easy to live with. So strengthen me that the power of my example will far exceed the authority of my rank”. – 2   Thess



For many people, a toxic workplace is the primary source of stress in their life. A hostile work environment can create significant mental health issues to people that are entirely physically healthy, let alone those struggling with a health condition such as cancer.


Even with cancer treatment completed, the recovery process can take months or even years. In the meantime, cancer patients have to get back to their healthy lifestyle, including work.


It is not unusual for cancer patients to require a reduced or modified work schedule or some relevant accommodation at the workplace and encounter a hostile response upon their request for health-related accommodations.


According to the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI), 35 percent of the workers in the United States report being bullied at work. Regardless of legislation that protects employees from any harassment and discrimination, thousands of workers with cancer have to deal with hostile work environment nowadays.


The consequences of intimidating treatment by other person or a group of people at work on cancer patient’s mental health are various. For example, a hostile work environment may trigger mental health problems related to anxiety and depression.


An employee that is coming back to work after his or her medical leave may struggle with the feelings of being targeted, rejected, and discriminated because of their illness. Furthermore, feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy may arise as a result of a toxic work environment. A person may have difficulties stay focused and organized and struggle to maintain positive relationships with co-workers.


In addition, a person may find that he or she doesn’t have the emotional and physical stamina to cope with the hostile work environment and decide to leave their job, which may lead to financial difficulties.



How to Deal with a Hostile Work Environment

If the above-mentioned applies to you, there are a few things that can help you cope with a toxic work environment and stay mentally fit.

  1. Practice Meditation and Relaxation Techniques

The benefits of meditation on our mental health have been scientifically proved. Both meditation and relaxation techniques can reduce stress, anxiety, and decrease depression symptoms. Also, it can help you stay focused, improving your memory and concentration. Also, meditation and relaxation techniques may boost your self-esteem; help you develop and maintain positive relationships in the workplace.


  1. Stand on Your Integrity and Professional Standards

 Let your boss and your co-workers know that cancer did not change your professional skills or your commitment to doing an outstanding job. Note that you are still the same committed employee and that you stand on that reputation. Request to be allowed to continue your excellent work, and show that you are an active contributor to your work team. Stand up for yourself, but do it properly and professionally.


  1. Try to Build and Maintain Positive Relationships

Do your best to build and cultivate positive relationships with colleagues and try not to react negatively to pressures and hostility at the workplace. Talk to your supervisor, as he or she may not be aware of ongoing hostility. Also, seek clarity about the goals or possible new expectations, duties or processes that may have evolved while you were absent from work.


  1. Look for Mental Health Counseling

 If you find it hard to cope with a toxic work environment on your own, seek the help of a mental health professional.

  1. Seek Legal Help

 Also, consider seeking legal help if you believe that your constitutional rights have been violated, and your employer is not putting enough effort to protect them.


The Risk Of Heart Disease Is Increasing In Women


“The Go Red for Women campaign raises awareness of the risk of heart disease. I think a lot of people don’t realize that heart disease is the number one killer of women. So what we’re doing is encouraging women to tell five other women to learn more about heart disease and how they can prevent it.” –  Cheryl Hines



February Is Heart Disease Awareness Month

Since the beginning, we have heard that men are at a higher risk of heart disease and heart attack as compared to women. However, in the past few years, it has been noticed that the rate of heart diseases is increasing in women. Over the past few months there were most of the women were brought to the emergency, and they suffered a heart attack.

February being the month of heart disease awareness it is essential that we make people understand that how they can protect themselves from heart attacks. It has been noticed that due to a sedentary lifestyle most of the youngsters at the early age of 27 to 29 are suffering from heart issues. We all know that heart diseases can be prevented. Here are a few things you need to know about heart attack that will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from the fatal disease.


The typical symptoms of heart attack that you will find both in men and women are chest pain and uneasiness. However, women explain chest pain as pressure, and there are some other symptoms in women that you have to consider.

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fainting
  • Sweating
  • Pain in different parts of body like jaw or arms

Risk factors

It is vital that we know the reason due to which youngsters and women suffer from heart attack.


One of the significant causes of heart attack is obesity or uncontrolled weight gain. It leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in main arteries of the person due to which the risk of heart attack increases.


Depression and stress are the two leading causes of heart attack in women. Anxiety is the primary symptom of depression. It has been noticed that people who suffer from stress often have an increased heartbeat. When the heart beats fast, it will be unable to pump the blood properly even to its muscles that lead to lack of oxygenation and heart attack.

Blood pressure

High blood pressures reduced the output of the heart, and it often weakens the muscles of the heart due to which the chances of heart attack increase.


In diabetes, the people suffer from higher glucose level in the body that puts extra pressure on the heart. In diabetes, vital organs of the body are damaged including the heart.

Tips for protection

It is crucial that you consume a healthy diet. The primary cause of heart attack is our unhealthy diet like fast food and high-fat products. We should start with removing trans fat from our diet. Make sure to consume healthy vegetables, fruits, and fresh meat so that you can control your level of cholesterol in the body.

Control your weight and include physical activity in your life. Assure that you at least walk 60 minutes daily and you will notice that your health will improve. Control your stress by including meditation or yoga in your routine. Remember that prevention is better than cure.


How to Reinvent Yourself at Any Age

“Don’t ever feel like your best days are behind you. Reinvention is the purest form of hope. Make today your best yet.” —Phil Wohl



They say that when you reach your 40s, changing careers is a tall order. It may be a leap of faith even. The fact that you are virtually leaving behind all the years of experience in your present career and preparing to transition to another career is something that is a bit fearful and challenging at the same time. Another concern is age – there may be some job openings in a different career path that may desire a specific age range, and that is one of the dilemmas to consider. What’s even worse, changing career paths may also mean a restructuring of compensation may not be avoided. That could also mean a change in your financial budget for daily needs and even lifestyle. But they also say that one must not stop learning – and to fulfill that, you have to move and get on with that new career path. If you still feel hesitant in changing your career to learn new skills, here are some of the facts to further motivate you:

  • Starting another career in your 40s is not too late. You quite possibly already have about a decade of working experience in your current career. Changing to another job at this time will enable you to amass a decade more in your new field, and you’d still have good working years ahead of you before retirement age. There are also companies that are looking for experienced employees who could infuse wisdom and calculated suggestions/input to be mixed with younger employees.


  • Having a new career can infuse new energy into your career life. One of the main reasons why people move on with their careers is that they are longing for something new. If you are feeling demoralized with your current career and realizing it is Monday again is a pain, then transitioning into a new career may help you ease that feeling.


  • Looking for a new career may help you attain your true calling. It may be the reason why you are no longer happy with your current career; it is probably because the right job for you is not what you are in right now. Looking for it could give you new meaning, thus looking for a new career can be exciting. You should not miss out on it when the chance presents itself to you.


There are a lot of things to consider when deciding to change careers while you are in midlife. Age is just a number, and should not be a hindrance in pursuing what is right for you. What is important is that you find that renewed excitement and enthusiasm for working. After all, staying on a path and remaining as-is while feeling you don’t want to anymore is not the best for you. It would be unhealthy for your emotions, your mind, and demeanor.


  • Start planning your reinvention plan now. Commit to a date when you want to take that leap. Save enough money to get you through the hard times (at least three months savings).


  • Consider getting new skills utilizing a degree, certificate or online classes. Don’t fear to go back to school. Many universities offer Professional Studies degrees (and certificates) online and on campus.


  • Now is the time to test drive a new career. A part-time job or volunteer work will give you additional skills and an opportunity to meet new people in an area you enjoy. Also, with a part-time job, you can save much-needed money to help you in your career journey.


Just remember, it is not too late to change career paths, but be ready for some adjustments, little sacrifices, and a little patience in order to successfully accomplish it. This way you will be able to feel renewed and have motivation by transitioning to a new career path and have a chance to obtain new skills and learn new things. In the upcoming weeks, I’m introducing a podcast series on transitioning to a new career path.
